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EGYPTIAN MAGIC E.A.Wallis Budge 1899 Page 139 THE SUFFERINGS OF RA. The holy god opened his mouth and said, " 'I was passing along my path, and I was going / Page140 / "through the two regions of my lands according to "my heart's desire, to see that which I had created, " when lo! I was bitten by a serpent which I saw not. "Is it fire? Is it water? I am colder than water, I am hotter than fire. All my flesh sweateth, I quake, "my eye hath no strength, I cannot see the sky, and "the sweat rusheth to my face even as in the time of "summer.' Then said Isis unto Ra, ' O tell me thy " name, holy Father, for whosoever shall be delivered "by thy name shall live.' And Ra said, 'I have made "the heavens and the earth, I have knit together the "mountains, I have created all that is above them, "I have made the water, I have made to come into "being the goddess Meht-urt, and I have made the " " Bull of his mother," from whom spring the delights "of love. I have made the heavens, I have stretched "out the two horizons like a curtain, and I have placed "the soul of the gods within them. I am he who, if "he openeth his eyes, doth make the light, and, if he "closeth them, darkness cometh into being. At his "command the Nile riseth, and the gods know not "his name. I have made the hours, I have created "the days, I bring forward the festivals of the year, "I create the Nile-flood. I make the fire of life, and " I provide food in the houses. I am Khepera in the " morning, I am Ra at noon, and I am Temu at even.' "Meanwhile the poison was not taken away from his "body, but it pierced deeper, and the great god could " no longer walk. Page 141 RA REVEALS HIS NAME TO ISIS. "Then said Isis unto Ra, 'What thou hast said is "not thy name. O tell it unto me, and the poison "shall depart; for he shall live whose name shall be " revealed.' Now the poison burned like fire, and it "was fiercer than the flame and the furnace, and the "majesty of the great god said, 'I consent that Isis "shall search into me, and that my name shall pass "from me into her.' Then the god hid himself from "the gods, and his place in the Boat of Millions of "Years was empty. And when the time had arrived "for the heart of Ra to come forth, Isis spake unto "her son Horus, saying, 'The god hath bound himself "by oath to deliver up his two eyes (i.e., the sun and "the moon).' Thus was the name of the great god taken "from him, and Isis, the lady of words of magical "power, said, 'Depart, poison, go forth from Ra. - O "Eye of Horus, go forth from the god, and shine outside "his mouth. It is I who work, it is I who make to fall "down upon the earth the vanquished poison, for the "name of the great god hath been taken away from "him. Let Ra live, and let the poison die! Let the "poison die, and let Ra live!' These are the words " of Isis, the mighty lady, the mistress of the gods, who "knew Ra by his own name."
Page 139 THE SUFFERINGS OF RA. The holy god opened his mouth and said, " 'I was passing along my path, and I was going / Page140 / "through the two regions of my lands according to "my heart's desire, to see that which I had created, " when lo! I was bitten by a serpent which I saw not. "Is it fire? Is it water? I am colder than water, I am hotter than fire. All my flesh sweateth, I quake, "my eye hath no strength, I cannot see the sky, and "the sweat rusheth to my face even as in the time of "summer.' Then said Isis unto Ra, ' O tell me thy " name, holy Father, for whosoever shall be delivered "by thy name shall live.' And Ra said, 'I have made "the heavens and the earth, I have knit together the "mountains, I have created all that is above them, "I have made the water, I have made to come into "being the goddess Meht-urt, and I have made the " " Bull of his mother," from whom spring the delights "of love. I have made the heavens, I have stretched "out the two horizons like a curtain, and I have placed "the soul of the gods within them. I am he who, if "he openeth his eyes, doth make the light, and, if he "closeth them, darkness cometh into being. At his "command the Nile riseth, and the gods know not "his name. I have made the hours, I have created "the days, I bring forward the festivals of the year, "I create the Nile-flood. I make the fire of life, and " I provide food in the houses. I am Khepera in the " morning, I am Ra at noon, and I am Temu at even.' "Meanwhile the poison was not taken away from his "body, but it pierced deeper, and the great god could " no longer walk. Page139 "I have made "the heavens and the earth, I have knit together the "mountains, I have created all that is above them, " I have made the water, I have made to come into "being the goddess Meht-urt, and I have made the " " Bull of his mother," from whom spring the delights "of love. I have made the heavens, I have stretched "out the two horizons like a curtain, and I have placed "the soul of the gods within them. I am he who, if "he openeth his eyes, doth make the light, and, if he . . . . . . . . "closeth them, darkness cometh into being. At his "command the Nile riseth, and the gods know not "his name. . I have made the hours, I have created "the days, I bring forward the festivals of the year, "I create the Nile-flood. I make the fire of life, and " I provide food in the houses. I am Khepera in the " morning, I am Ra at noon, and I am Temu at even.' "Meanwhile the poison was not taken away from his "body, but it pierced deeper, and the great god could " no longer walk.
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